
Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's About Time

I loved being a stay-at-home-mom when the girls were babies. They were good babies. GREAT babies, actually. But as they've gotten older....something Not with the girls really. Yes, they are at "challenging" age:

The house is quiet. Wait a's too quiet. "Breena?!" I yell from the other room. "Nothing!" she yells back.

It was me that felt off. My temper quicker, my patience less and I found myself longing for preschool to start so I can get a break. But a break to do what? More cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping? Ugh. No. Thanks.

But I have this idea. I've had it for months. Have thought about it, worked on it, given up on it, come back to it, given up again....yet it's always there, whispering to me, demanding my attention. I've been pushing it down, putting it off...

At the end of last week, I came across this on my friend MC's blog. I knew when I read the description, I had to do it. I registered late so I spent the weekend catching up on Week 1. There is so much information it's almost overwhelming, but already I'm starting to believe that I might be able to finally see my idea become a reality.

Stay tuned...


  1. Awww. :) glad you found some patience. I love them girls! haha


  2. Wishing you the best on your new venture!

  3. Woo Hoo! Congrats! Every dream needs a real life step to make it a reality! Glad you joined the class! With being puny the last few days, I'm the one that is behind the eight ball now!

  4. oh my...i survived twin boys (now 32) cute are the girls...just winging in from flying lessons...great to connect

    blessings, rebecca

  5. I'm intrigued about this class. I've bookmarked it and will check it out. You'll have to keep us posted and let us know how it all turns out. How exciting! Congrats!
