
Friday, October 22, 2010

Country Day

Our (Christian) preschool isn't celebrating Halloween, they are celebrating Fall with a Country Day for the kids. They couldn't wear their Halloween costumes, but they could dress in country western attire. Since we don't really have much of that laying around the house, I wanted to make the girls a couple of t-shirts. I started with a stencil I cut with my cricut and some fabric paint, but that didn't work out, so I dusted off my sewing machine and did a quick applique with some felt I had. The t-shirts are Disney...a super find I discovered at the Dollar Store - for a buck!

The shirts look cute....from a distance. As soon as the teacher saw them she said "I see that Mom got crafty!" Uh-oh.

I'm sure the girls will someday refuse to wear my handmade I'm going to do it while I can. Even if they don't always turn out so great.


  1. they are adorable! Yes someday they might say "mom ...enough with the home made!" But for now they look happy with your costumes.

  2. Oh they are just so cute and getting so big. How darling to have one blonde and one red head. They are so cute!
