I really, REALLY was just going to Joann today for a new paper trimmer.
I've used the same light green, Cutterpede trimmer for 6 happy years and the expandable arm just snapped off in my hand this past weekend. I was devastated. I mourned for almost 4 days before heading to J's this afternoon with a 40% off coupon in hand and two toddlers in tow. I had myself convinced that I'd get out of there with only a trimmer.
And then I saw the paper stacks on sale for $9.99.
I only bought one. But did I really need another 48 sheets to add to the THOUSANDS I already have? (Don't answer that.)
So here I am trying to find somewhere for my latest stack and I am out of room in my Scrapbox. In case you don't know what a Scrapbox looks like, here it is:
Yes, I have one of those, and
yes, I could not find a place in it for another 48 sheets of paper. So I start re-arranging things in order to make room for the stack I just had-to-have-and-couldn't-live-without and I realize that the other thing I have started collecting are... stamps.
Acrylic, rubber, expensive, cheap, sets, singles, wood-mounted, un-mounted...you name it, I've got it. And they are taking up precious storage space - space I need for my....uh....paper.
Here is the last of the 12x12 layouts I did during the retreat. It's called "Partners In Crime"

The girls are 11 months old in these photos. I had caught them in Bentley's dog food dish, just having a grand ole' time. The best part of these pictures is the fact that it looks like Breena was the mastermind and ringleader of this incident. See how the bowl is between her chubby legs and she's got both fists in there while her sister looks on....at least at first. Two years later and Breena is still the one that is coming up with schemes to get her and her sister in trouble. I doubt it will ever change.
Those fat scallops at the bottom are one of those flat EK Success border punches. It's hard to tell from the pic, but it also embosses. Love it!