
Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Cheap

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what the girls should be for Halloween. I've been thinking about this for months. Seriously. I guess I'm worried that this might be the last Halloween I get to decide what they will be. (Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to be a Disney Princess - which I'm sure one or both of them will want to be sooner or later.)

A few weekends ago, my husband - the King of Garage Sales - came home with a box of black and red pirate accessories he'd picked up from someones driveway for 5 bucks. Since I had not been able to come up with any costume ideas on my own, I decided to see what I could do with the miscellaneous pirate paraphernalia hubby had brought home . I started googling and found some really cute girly pirate costumes, but the prices were ridiculous - especially since I need two. And I really, really liked the costumes that included tutus. After another few minutes on google, I discovered some DIY tutu making instructions that didn't look too hard. I hit Joann's first thing Sunday morning armed with coupons, bought my supplies, and made my first tutu during naptime. I made Baylinn's tutu first and when she tried it on, she didn't want to take it off. It looked so cute with her Steeler jersey and stretch pants that I let her wear it to Buffalo Wild Wings when we went to watch the Steeler game (I refuse to say any more about that game.)

Since my first tutu was a success, I'm headed back to Joann for more supplies. I'm going to make Breena a red one as part of her pirate costume. I bought a couple plain t-shirts from Walmart and I'm going to use my cricut to cut stencils and paint them to go along with the theme. I'll post pics of the finished look when I'm done!!


  1. It turned out really cute!! Pirates with tutus, huh? Awesome. Audrey will be a ballerina, but I BOUGHT her pink tutu from TJMaxx.... me and my sewing machine are not the best of friends.
    Have you seen the scull halloween shirts at Target?? It's wearing a bow and has orange striped sleeves... so cute! I had to get Audrey one, and I think of you whenever I see it :)
    I'm coming home around Thanksgiving, so I'll see you soon :)

  2. Ummm...who said anything about using a sewing machine to make that tutu??!! I don't get along with my Singer at all. I used a NO-SEW technique!
