
Sunday, June 28, 2009

A challenge and contest from!!

The latest SSPT Design Team Challenge was to use black, white and yellow on a project. I've been wanting to try making my own felt embellishments, so I thought I'd give it a try for this challenge.

Unfortunately, the cricut wouldn't cut the felt. But I wasn't willing to give up that easily. I used the cricut to cut the design I wanted out of vinyl, then stuck the vinyl to the felt and cut around it by hand. I thought it would look better as an applique so I used embroidery thread to sew around the edges and used Heat n Bond to attach it to the shirt.

For the shirt Breena is wearing. I used the skull from Indie Art with a little modification with the hearts from George in Design Studio. The flowers are from Accent Essentials. The one yellow flower I had leftover, I sewed to a ponytail holder.

I was going to use Baylinn as the model this time, but Breena wouldn't let go of the shirt until I agreed to put it on her. Then I had to bribe her to sit still with a cookie so I could take her picture. (Her sister wanted a cookie too, so that's why she's also in the picture lol...)

There is an awesome cricut contest going on at I'm going to enter this project - so wish me luck!

Want to see more fabulous projects using the cricut? Check out all the talent here:


  1. Darling models. Gosh they are soooooo cute!

  2. SO CUTE! The crafty stuff isn't bad either...LOL! No really, fab job! You can really use that Cricut!

  3. adorable models love the projects

  4. Your girls are sooo adorable. What a great project. Good luck!

  5. I really like this. You even made a matching hair bow...cute! Your girls are too sweet!

  6. I absolutely love this. I know what you mean about the cricut not cutting felt. I almost went crazy trying to get it to cut felt for a banner I had to make. your daughter's are adorable!!!

  7. You have a beautiful family! Love your blog.

    Please check out my blog, you have an award waiting!

  8. I like the shirt project and the hair bow. Your girls are so cute.
