
Sunday, May 23, 2010


Bad stuff happens in 3's. I don't know who invented that "rule" or whatever it is, but it's just how [insert bad word here] happens...

First there was The Flood.
Second there was The Broken Air Conditioner on the 2nd Floor (which is only 3 years old, btw).

And now for the Grand Finale....
We have The Broken Air Conditioner on the 1st Floor.

*deep and and out*


I'm going to attempt to look at the bright side now...

The repairs from The Flood are almost complete. Our wood laminate was replaced last week. This week we should have our kitchen cabinet back, the bathroom fixed and all the tile work done.

The upstairs A/C broke while we were on vacation. Our A/C guy is also our neighbor so he was able to fix it before we got home AND it was under warranty.

The downstairs A/C is 21 years old and was going to have to be replaced at some point, so of course, why not now?? The part that went bad actually caught on fire, so we are lucky that it didn't burn down our house.

I am currently resisting the urge to crawl under the bed (the one upstairs, where it's cool) and not coming out until someone gives the "All Clear!" sign. But as much as I want to hibernate, I can't. I've got projects due for my Design Team. There is a Scrapbook Expo that I've been looking forward to this coming weekend. My mother-in-law is arriving Saturday and staying for 5 days. And the girls turn 3 on Sunday. Of course, there is also the usual shopping, cooking, cleaning, bill paying and child rearing.



  1. Well....if what they say is true and that bad things do indeed happen in 3's.... YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A FABULOUS SUMMER! ;-)

    Hope you have a good week Britten and that things start looking up for you! {{{HUGS}}}

  2. Time for CHOCOLATE!!! ;)

  3. Oh honey. It's got to get better. I know that doesn't make you feel any better right now, but maybe it will give you enough hope to keep on going. My prayers are with you and can't wait to see what blessings you are going to receive when you've put this behind you. PS. I really hope to be at the EXPO on Saturday. Maybe we will bump into each other.???
