
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump Day

I'm oh-so-glad it's Wednesday. It's Date Night for hubby and me and we might go....line dancing.I know what you're going to say, but hey we sometimes run out of stuff to do on Date Nights. We used to take ballroom dancing lessons on Date Night, but then we never actually went dancing anywhere - so it got kind of ridiculous. It'd be like taking golf lessons and then never going golfing.

So I gotta go figure out what exactly I'm supposed to wear to line dance, but here's a layout I did while on my retreat.

This was an ancient kit (seriously, the copyright said 2004!) from TLC - anyone else remember them? They went belly-up a few years ago but I still have a bunch of these kits in my stash. I went through a stage where I really liked the flat, cut-em-out cardstock embellishments but I'm over it now so I've got a ton of them and I never use them. Storytellers is another company that sells a lot of those and I was a part of their monthly club for awhile too, so I have a variety. Maybe I should offer them as some blog candy....hmmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Wow you've been busy! Love the layouts, the new header and the fact that you went away and had fun all by your lonesome like the pro-mommy that you are! I'm also very glad that everyone is doing better health wise!
