
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Future Scrapbooker?

This is Breena. Don't let the cuteness fool you. She's one sassy 2-year old. Based on a couple recent conversations with her, she might also be a future scrapbooker:

(yesterday, in the car)
BREENA: Mom! Doggies!
ME: No sweetie, those are miniature horses.
BREENA: Horses?
ME: Yep.
BREENA: They're cute!
ME: Yes they are.
BREENA: Get a picture!

(today, Breena goes upstairs to track down her Daddy who is working in his office)
BREENA: Daddy, let's go!
BRIAN: Go downstairs, I'll be done in a minute.
BRIAN: (hears suspicious noise, goes to investigate, finds her sitting at my desk, in my scrap area)
What are you doing in mom's Scrapbox?
BREENA: (exasperated) I'm busy!!


  1. Too cute!

    Melissa Allore on the Cricut Board

  2. Here's all the reactions I had while reading this post:
    What an amazing pic of the two of you!
    Them doggies must've been pretty big.
    Your hair looks fuller. Extensions? LOL.
    Funny post.

  3. That is great. I think she will definitely be a future scrapbooker. Give her some paper and a glue stick now and see what happens. :-) I love the see the photos that little ones take; it gives us the chance to see through their eyes again. :-) Enjoy and scrap this moment too. Before you know it, she'll be 16 and hoping you'll go and 'be busy' in your scraproom so she can hang out on the couch with her boyfriend. OK, now I have to go and check on dd and her boyfriend on the couch! LOL

  4. So cute! You'll have a full time scrappin buddy!

  5. That is so awesome! My kids like to sit at my scrap table and just look at stuff, hold it up, shuffle papers around... turns out that when I am scrapbooking, I do way more just shuffling stuff than actually creating, LOL!

    Your daughter is DARLING!
